Saturday, January 10, 2015

Toshiba to Launch First NFC Enabled SD Memory Card

Toshiba is going to give us such technology that we have not seem before. They are going to introduce new type of memory card. The memory card is SDHC card with integrated NFC functionality. The new memory card will be available in three different memory sizes 8GB, 16GB and 32GB, offering speed of 0.2 Mbps with a memory capacity of 256 bytes.

Toshiba claims that these are the first memory card in the world with NFC technology. Now, you don't have to take out the memory card out of your camera or other device and put into a PC to see what's inside it.

The technology is only compatible with NFC-capable Android Smartphones and require an app "memory card preview".

You can preview available storage space and up to 16 thumbnails of any photos in SD card by just hovering over the memory card.

Don't expect to be able to download or upload files through this. But NFC also doesn't offer enough bandwidth for any usable data transfer.

Toshiba has confirmed that three cards will go on sale from February but price is still unknown at this time.


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